۶۲ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «ashura» ثبت شده است

غربال به سبک عاشورا

{از عاشورا تا ظهور - شماره 28}


بیش از ۱۰۰۰ نفر تا شب عاشورا با امام حسین بودند ولی چون با او سنخیت روحی نداشتند، نتوانستند همراهش بمانند و رهایش کردند!

هنگامه ی آزمایش کم هستند "هلال بن نافع"ها که بگویند: «به خدا قسم! ما ملاقات پروردگار را ناخوشایند نمی دانیم و بر نیّت و بصیرت خود پابرجاییم... کم هستند "زُهیر"ها که بگویند: «یابن رسول الله! به خدا قسم، دوست دارم کشته شوم و بعد از آن، دوباره زنده شوم و تا هزار بار این اتفاق بیفتد اما خداوند کشته شدن را از تو و اهل بیتت دفع کند.

امام صادق علیه السلام درباره یاران حضرت مهدی میفرماید: «بر امامت او استوار نمی ماند، مگر آنکه یقینش بسیار قوی و معرفتش نسبت به او صحیح باشد.»

آری! اگر سنخیت بین امام و مأموم نباشد، همراهی واقعی امکان پذیر نخواهد بود و عاقبت او را رها خواهند کرد!

[فرات تا فرات، ج۱، ص۱۴۸-۱۵۱]




منبع : کانال مهدیاران (Mahdiaran@)

  • شنبه ۱۱ خرداد ۹۸

Mahdism examples - The fourth series

Lamp and light

Consider we put a lamp by the side of a child because of its heat and light and he throws a stone at it ignorantly. We take the lamp away so it wouldn’t be damaged. The reason for taking the lamp away is not his power and its weakness against him, but the fear of his failure and mistake. Of course it would be possible to not taking it away if we had numerous lamps and bring another one in case it is damaged. But if just one lamp is left, we will take it away from him to keep it safe from breaking.

The Imams are like guidance lights that God has put in the way of humans. Eleven lights has been broken… One is left…

We should be aware that as long as there is a chance of his break, the Occultation will continue.


The airplane

The metal used in constructing an airplane is so different from the one used in constructing a car. An airplane should be constructed from a type of metal that is so resistant. It is so dangerous to use the same metal for construction of an airplane that is used in constructing a car.

It is so common that a mobile car becomes out of commission and passengers get out of it and fix the problems, but the airplane is constructed out of reliable metals and pieces to avoid the risk of a crash.

Imam Hussain’s (PBUH) associates in Ashura and Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) special associates at the time of the Reappearance are like materials that should be used in construction of an airplane. They should be firm and rigid. Because their failure is everything’s failure… 


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  • يكشنبه ۸ ارديبهشت ۹۸

The duties of the awaiting people - The fourth series

Abhorrence and hatred of the enemies of Ahl al-Bayt

Imam Sadiq (PBUH) said quoting from prophet Muhammad (PBUH): “Blessed is a person who meets Qa’im from my Ahl al-Bayt in a state that he has imitated him and has followed him and the Imams before him and has abhorred their enemies to Allah. Such people are my associates and the most honourable of my ummah (nation) before me.”

(Bihar al-Anwar, 51/72, Hadith 15)

Imam Kadhim (PBUH) said to Younes ibn Abd al-Rahman: “Blessed are our Shias; those who hold to our friendship and are resolute in acceptance of our Wilayah and abhorrence of our enemies during the Occultation of our Qa’im.”

(Bihar al-Anwar, 51/151, Hadith 6)


Controlling the tongue, controlling the tongue, controlling the tongue

It is narrated that Imam Baqir (PBUH) told to Jabir Jo’afi: “Blessed are people who are resolute in believing us during the Occultation.” Jabir asked: “What is the most preferable act of a believer during that time?” Imam said: “Controlling the tongue (silence…)”

Bihar al-Anwar, 52/145, Hadith 66

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “You should keep long silence, because it is a mean to drive away the devil and your help in the affairs of your religion.”

Safinah al-Bihar 2/510

Controlling one’s tongue is the mean to save his religion. Of course silence is preferred when a person is embroiled in a sin (backbiting, slander, lie, curse and …) and can’t refrain from it. Sometimes a word can rule a person out as a religious man. Also, controlling the tongue is so important that it is related to other body limbs according to narrations.


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  • يكشنبه ۱ ارديبهشت ۹۸

Seeking the Savior in Different Religions - The fourth series

Savor seeking in other religions

Besides (Zoroastrianism, Hinduism and Budism), and besides (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) there are other religions that believe in the “promised person”; religions like «Confucianism, Daoism, Manichaeism and...»

As an example, “Confucianism” is found along with “Daoism” in China. Or Manicheans believe in “Mani” who knows himself Faraghlit (Faraghlit is the person whom Jesus (PBUH) announced his coming).

The Savior in religions, p. 244 & 246


The sacred names of the “Promised Savior” in the books of religions

1. “Sahib” in the Books (Scriptures) of Abraham; 2. “Qa’im” in the 13th Zabur; 3. “Qidmu” in the Torah in the word of Tarkum; 4. “Messiah” (the great Mahdi) in the Hebrew Torah; 5. “The last Mahmid” in the Bible; 6. “The God’s Angel” in Zamzam of Zoroaster; 7. “The Blessed” (Ahmad) in the Kindral of Phrygian; 8. “The King” in the book of Magi;

9. “The Measure of the Truth” in the book of Athari; 10. “The Conqueror” in the book of Azarfarsian Borzin; 11. “The Word of the Truth” in the Heavenly Sahifah; 12. “The Greatest Paradise” in the book of Romans Qibrus; 13. “The Auspicious” in the book of Vishnu joke; 14. “The Victorious” (Mansour) in the book of Isiah; 15. “What is left you by Allah” in the book of Duhr; 16. “The Decisive” in the book of Qantara.

Tanha-Rah (The Only Way), Ahmadi & Farzadfar, p. 110


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  • يكشنبه ۲۵ فروردين ۹۸

The words of scholars - The fourth series

“To Allah we belong, and to Him is our return”

If your view is like some deviated illiterates that impiety and injustice should be propagated to prepare the way for the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), then “To Allah we belong, and to Him is our return”!

Don’t say leave it till Imam Mahdi (PBUH) comes. Do you postpone your prayers till Imam Mahdi (PBUH) comes? [If saying the prayers is this way, so undoubtedly] The “preservation of Islam” is more necessary than prayers. Do not follow the logic of the governor of Khumain who said: “Sins and crimes should be prevailed so Imam Mahdi (PBUH) coms!”

[Which verse has commanded to commit a sin?!]

“Imam Khomeini”

The Sahifeh of Imam Khomeini, vol. 21, p. 447

The Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist, Imam Khomeini, p. 58 


Imam Mahdi (PBUH) doesn’t come, he should be brought…

Haj Ismail Dulabi says: “It seems that he (Imam Mahdi (PBUH)) comes, but actually we will be admitted to the presence of him. We went behind the walls of the world and got lost, we should come out behind the walls to find out that he (Imam Mahdi (PBUH)) was present from the outset. Imam Mahdi (PBUH) has not gotten lost and hidden. We have gotten lost and hidden.”

Misbah al-Huda, p. 319

It has been narrated from Lady Fatimah (PBUH) that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “An Imam is like the Kaaba that people should go towards it, not that they wait for an Imam to come towards them.”

Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 36, p. 353

He won’t come till we want…

We should just start from ourselves…


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  • يكشنبه ۱۸ فروردين ۹۸

Imam Mahdi in the Quran - The fourth series

Action = “obligatory”; haste= “forbidden”

“(Inevitable) cometh (to pass) the Command of Allah: seek ye not then to hasten it… [The Quran, Surah16, Verse 1]”

Imam Sadiq (PBUH) says while interpreting this verse: “[the Command of Allah] is our command; implying the rise of “Qa'im” of Ahl al-Bayt, that Allah has ordered not to hasten it … Allah will support him with three armies of angels, believers and panic [among the enemies]…”

(Tafsir al-Ayyashi, vol. 2, p. 254

Kamal al-Din and Tamam al-Nimeh, vol. 42, p. 671)


“The loud cry from the Heavens” in the Quran

Abd al-Rahman says: “I told Imam Sadiq (PBUH): “The enemies blame us and call us liars! We say “There will be two loud crys from the Heavens” They say: “When both are from the Heavens then how will be distinguished Truth from Falsehood?”” Imam said: “What did you say?” I said: “Nothing!” He said: “Tell them when the loud cry is yelled, whoever has believed in it before will confirm it; has the almighty Allah not said:””

“Is then He Who gives guidance to truth more worthy to be followed, or he who finds not guidance (himself) unless he is guided? What then is the matter with you? How judge ye?” [The Quran, Surah 10, Verse 35]

Al-Burhan Fi Tafsir al-Quran, vol. 3, p. 29

Usul al-Kafi, vol. 8, p. 208


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  • يكشنبه ۱۱ فروردين ۹۸

The Merciful Government of Imam Mahdi - The fourth series

Omission of luxuries and luxurism

A person came to Muawiyah and a tablecloth was spread before him that foods with any color were on it and he didn’t recognize one of them. He asked Muawiyah what was that food and he answered: “The stomach of duck filled with sheep’s brain, fried in pistachio oil and sprinkled with sugar.”

That person came to tears and said: “I recalled that I was with Ali (PBUH) at the time of Iftar (the time for breaking fast) and a sealed bag was brought for him. I asked: “What is in it and why is it sealed?” He said: “It is barley flour. I’m afraid Hassan or Hussain mix it with oil.”” *1

It is said in Seerah (the life history, behavior and habits) of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) in narrations that: “His cloths are not but rough (like battle outfit) and his food is not but coarse (barley bread).” *2

Note and elimination of misunderstanding: The concept of what was said about the Seerah of Ahl al-Bayt is not to avoid enjoying divine favours and the beauties of the world at all. But it is to avoid greed and pride to properties and luxurism and desire for the world.

(1-Nasr al-Dorar quoted from Asl al-Shia wa Usuloha. 2-Al-Ghayba al-Nu'mani, ch. 13, Hadith 20)


The safety, after the Reappearance

While before Imam Mahdi’s Reappearance unsafety is prevalent all over the world, one of his most fundamental undertakings is restoring safety to the society. By subtle programming at that time, safety is shortly restored to the society in all fields, the kind of safety that humankind has never experienced before. Safety has different aspects that we mention three of them herein:

1- The road safety: So that young females can travel from places to places without a Mahram accompanying with them and they are safe.

2- The judicial safety: So that people are not afraid that there is a possibility of trampling their rights.

3- The financial safety: It is so widespread that if someone puts his hand in other’s pocket, it wouldn’t be considered theft.

There are narrations (Hadithes) for all the above cases, but for the sake of brevity, we are equally satisfied by what mentioned before.

References in the Moudnameh book, Touneie, p. 123


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  • يكشنبه ۴ فروردين ۹۸

Acquainting oneself with the Imam of each era - The fourth series

An enthusiastic letter from father

The confirmation of the news of Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) birth

Ahmad bin Ishaq Qummi says: “When the pious successor (Imam Mahdi (PBUH)) was born, a letter came to my grandfather from my master, Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH) written “in his own handwriting” saying:

“A son has been born to us and this news should be kept to you and hidden from people; because we do not unveil this news to anyone except our “relatives” and “close associates”. We wanted to tell you this news so Allah makes you happy as He made us happy, and no more.””

(Kamal al-Din and Tamam al-Nimeh, ch. 42, Hadith 15)


Offering Aqiqa for Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) birth

One of the recommended traditions in the religion is to offer the infant’s Aqiqa (to sacrifice a sheep) that affects the baby’s health and blessing of his life. And by offering Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) Aqiqa, Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH) informed many of Shias about his birth, meanwhile, performing this religious tradition.

When “Imam Mahdi (PBUH)” was born, Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH) told to Uthman ibn Saeed (the first Deputy): “Buy 10,000 rotl of bread (a unit of weight of the order of the pound) and 10,000 rotl of meat and distribute them (probably to Bani Hashim) and offer his Aqiqa of many sheeps.”

He had at least two important purposes: 1- The baby’s health. 2- Introducing the successor and “announcing the news of the Savior’s birth” to public specially oppressed people.

Fars report; Professor Yousefian

Kamal al-Din and Tamam al-Nimeh, ch. 41, Hadith 10


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  • يكشنبه ۲۶ اسفند ۹۷

Mahdism examples - The third series

The branch of astragalus gummifer and birds in love

“There will be an occultation for Sahib al-Amr (Imam Mahdi) in which holding one’s religion likens removing the thorns of the tree of astragalus gummifer with one’s hands. People should seek refuge to God and hold on to their religions.” (Imam Sadiq [PBUH])

Yes, and also in such a situation:

“The hearts of the pure and pious people, like the birds which are fond of the tree, are eagerly waiting to meet you (Imam Mahdi).” Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH).

The tree of Astragalus gummifer is a big tree with thorns which look like sharp pins. In Arab literature, doing difficult and arduous tasks is likened to touching the thorns of this tree. For instance, tolerating a special condition by someone is like removing the thorns of this tree by moving one’s hand from top to bottom. It is obvious that doing such an action lacerates one’s hand.

(Bihar al-Anwar, vol.52, p.1 and 101)


Be like the bee!

Amir Al-Mu'minin said to his followers: “Be among the people like the “bee” among the birds. All the birds deem it weak and unworthy! But if they knew what there is in its interiors, they would not treat it so!”

Socialize with people on the surface and stay away from their viewpoints and doings, indeed every one will be rewarded according to his doings and will be gathered with the ones, whom he loves on the day of Resurrection.

You will not achive what you love and what you hope until … No one of you will keep on this matter except like the“kohl in an eye” or like the“salt in food”! {To be Imam Mahdi’s devotee, we have to fulfill Ahla Al-Bayt’s recommendations precisely till we are one of his devotees}

(Al-Ghayba al-Nu'mani, P. 210)


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  • يكشنبه ۱۹ اسفند ۹۷

The duties of the awaiting people - The third series

Inviting people towards Imam Mahdi and making him known

Everyone should invite people towards Imam Mahdi as much as his/her knowledge and wisdom and make them intimate with him. Propagating Mahdism instructions is of such acts. The inviter must have practical wisdom as well as methodical wisdom and invite people towards Imam practically, since it is more effective.

One of the Imppeccable Imams said: “A scholar who teaches people their religious instructions and invites them towards their Imam, is better than seventy thousand worshippers.”

Mekyal al Makarem, vol. 2, p. 274

Ayatollah Musavi Isfahani, the writer of the precious book of Mekyal al-Makarem, said:

“(Our duty during the occultation is) inviting and guiding people towards Imam Mahdi and this is of the “most important” and the “most obligatory” worships.”

(Mekyal al Makarem, sec.8)

We should not make our master awaiting…


Expressing Imam Mahdi’s superiorities

In Islamic narrations, believers are persuaded to express Ahl al-Bayts’ superiorities among people.

Imam Kazim (PBUH) said: “Indeed when two believers meet and mention Allah, then they mention our (the Ahl al-Bayt) superiorities, the flesh of the Devil’s face melts till his soul starts begging due to his agony.”

Usul al-Kafi, vol.2, p.188, hadith 7

Imam Sajjad (PBUH) said: “The right of the person who does a kindly act to you is that you thank him and mention his kindness and propagate good words and points about him.”

Tuhaf al-Uqul, p.265


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  • يكشنبه ۱۲ اسفند ۹۷
امام صادق (علیه السلام) :
هر کس خوشحال می شود و دوست دارد که در شمار یاران حضرت مهدی باشد، باید سه ویژگی داشته باشد: منتظر بودن، با وَرَع بودن، اخلاق بزرگوارانه داشتن.
(ورع یعنی دوری از گناه، تقوا داشتن و دوری از مکروهات و شُبَهات)
طبقه بندی موضوعات
آرشیو مطالب