۱۹۹ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «apocalypse» ثبت شده است

Visiting Imam Mahdi and Its Stories - The second series

The healing of the paralytic

One of the noblemen had lost his two sons during the Shah's reign. His wife became paralyzed because of too much impatience. She lost her sight and almost her youth as well. In fact, she developed premature aging. She was going to be taken to Tehran in order to be cured. Her husband said: “I saw my wife is going to be taken the next morning and there was no one to take care of my children. I got worried. Supplicating Imam Mahdi (PBUH), I asked God: “Please do me a favor so Imam Mahdi (PBUH) helps us. You know our situation is upsetting...”

At the middle of the night, I saw the lights turned on and I heard some sounds. I wondered what has happened. I came downstairs. My little daughter came to me and said: “Dad! Mom is healed.” I went to see my wife and found her healthy. Her premature aging was reversed, she became young again and her sight was healed as well.” Then, the woman started telling the story herself:

 “I was sleeping by myself in the room. Suddenly, the room was lightened. The holy light of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) came to me and said: “Stand up, provided that you no more be impatient.” I stood up. He went out of the room and I followed him. Suddenly, I realized I’m healthy.”

The woman who had been paralyzed was completely healthy, she recaptured her sight and her youth as well. While we have such a master, it’s a shame not to pay attention to him and ironically, we are all neglectful.

(Jahad ba Nafs (The Battle with Oneself); Ayatollah Mazaheri, p. 432)


Wishing to visit (a touching story)

Zuhari says: “I had the wish to visit Imam Mahdi (PBUH) for years, and I had suffered a lot and spent a lot in this way. But I was not successful at it. Until I met Muhammad ibn Uthman, the second Special Deputy of Imam Mahdi (PBUH). I asked him: “May I visit Imam Mahdi (PBUH)?” He said: “You will not reach your goal.” I was so sad that I fell at his feet. When he saw my condition, he said: “Come tomorrow at early dawn.”

So I went the next morning and saw a young man with such a beautiful face and fragrant smell which I had never seen and smelled before in my life... Muhammad ibn Uthman made me understand that he is Imam Mahdi (PBUH). I asked many questions and Imam answered them and he answered many questions without even asking. Imam was going to enter a room and Muhammad ibn Uthman said: “If you have further questions ask that you will not see him again.” Imam did not pay attention to my question and as the last thing he said:

 “Accursed is, accursed is a person who delays the evening prayer until the stars appear in the sky. And accursed is, accursed is a person who delays the morning prayer until the stars vanish from the sky.””

(Al-Ghayba al-Tusi, p. 271; Bihar al-Anwar, v. 52;)


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  • دوشنبه ۳۰ مهر ۹۷

قصور امت

{دلایل عقلی امامت ومهدویت - شماره 22}


علامه حلی مینویسد: لطفِ بودن امامت، منوط به تمام بودن امور سه‌گانه‌ی زیر است:

۱- خلق امام و مجهز نمودن وی به قدرت، علم و نصّ بر اسم و نصب آن؛

۲- قبول امامت و تحمل آن از طرف امام؛

۳- نصرت و یاری کردن امام و دفاع از حریم امامت و قبول نمودن امر و نهی امام، از طرف امت و بندگان.

امر نخست بر خداوند لازم است و انجام شده است، دومی بر امام واجب است و انجام شده است، سومی بر امت واجب است که متأسفانه برخی زیر بار مسئولیت پذیرش و دفاع از امام نرفته‌اند. بنابراین انجام نشدنِ تصرّف در امور و اِعمال امامت به صورت علنی و صریح، نه به خاطر قصور خداوند و امام، بلکه به علت تقصیر امت است. (ادامه دارد...)




منبع : کانال مهدیاران (Mahdiaran@)

  • سه شنبه ۲۴ مهر ۹۷

The words of scholars - The second series

Critical need of the society for the concepts of Mahdism

Feeling of weakness is a dangerous feeling and a deadly poison for a nation. One of the blessings of 

believing in the concept of Mahdism is that the members of the society feel more confident, reassured and powerful.

Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei the Supreme Leader of Iran - 2005

How much have we done in promoting Mahdism (=of or related Imam Mahdi) teachings in the society?


The Occultation is like a prison ...

Imam Baqir said: “His Occultation (Imam Mahdi) has four resemblances to four messengers.... and the resemblance to Prophet Joseph is imprisonment.”

Kamal al-Din, Chapter 32, Hadith 6

Ayatollah Bahjat said: “While the absent Imam can make the dead alive, he is in a big prison. But he doesn’t have this right for himself. While he has special attention to others in case of individual matters, he doesn’t have this attention for social issues which are related to himself.”

In Bahjat’s Company, vol. 2, p. 299

The key of this prison is in our hands...


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  • دوشنبه ۲۳ مهر ۹۷

Imam Mahdi in the Narrations - The second series

The characteristics of Imam Mahdi (PBUH)

Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: “Mahdi, of my descendants, is forty years old (means that at the Reappearance time, he looks like a forty-year-old man). His face is shining like a bright star. There is a black mole on his right cheek. He wears two Qutwani cloaks and he looks like the men of the Children of Israel (at the time of Prophet Moses (PBUH)). He’ll bring out the treasures, conquer the countries of polytheistic and lead them.”

(Ithbat al-Hudat, 7/185)


Awaiting for the friends, awaiting for the revenge

‘Abd al-‘Azim Hasani says: “I told Imam Jawad (PBUH): “I hope you are the promised “Qaim” who is of the progeny of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and will fill the earth with justice and equity...” He answered:

« “O Abu al-Qasim, All of us Imams are Qaim by the command of Mighty Allah and guiders towards His religion. But the promised Qaim-through whom Allah would wipe the earth from unbelievers and fill it with justice- is the one whose birth will be concealed for people and he will be disappeared from their sight and pronouncing his name will be Haram (forbidden) for them. He has the same name and kunia as prophet Muhamamd (PBUH) and he is the person who the earth will fold up for him (Tayy al-Arz) and every hardships will become easy for him.

And of his companions, 313 persons equal to the number of the fighters of Badr, will gather around him from all over the world. And this is the word of the Great Allah that “Wheresoever ye are, Allah will bring you Together. For Allah Hath power over all things.” (The Holy Quran, 2:148) So when this number of sincere companions gather around him, Allah will reveal his order and when he has 10000 helpers, he will rise by the permission of Allah and kill the enemies of Allah until He is pleased.””

(Kam al-Din, ch. 36, Hadith 2)


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  • دوشنبه ۱۶ مهر ۹۷

بشارت ظهور منجی در منابع هندو

{منجی در ادیان - شماره 26}


۱-کتاب اوپانیشاد(از کتب معتبرهندوها)

او در انقضای کلی، یا عصر آهن، سوار بر اسبی سفید، در حالیکه شمشیر برهنه ی درخشانی به صورت ستاره ی دنباله دار در دست دارد، ظاهر می شود و شریران را تماما هلاک می سازد...

۲-کتاب باسک(از کتب آسمانی هندوها)

دور دنیا تمام می شود، بعد پادشاه عادلی در آخرالزمان، که پیشوای ملائکه و پریان و آدمیان باشد و حق و راست با او باشد و آنچه در دریا و زمین ها و کوه ها پنهان باشد، همه را به دست آورد و از آسمانها و زمین و آنچه باشد، خبر دهد...

[اوپانیشاد، دارا شکوه، ۶۳۷/۲ ؛ بشارت عهدین، صادقی، ص۲۴۶ ؛ منجی در ادیان، شاکری، ص۲۲۵]




منبع : کانال مهدیاران (Mahdiaran@)

  • پنجشنبه ۱۲ مهر ۹۷

پاسخ کوبنده امام خمینی

{امام مهدی در کلام علما و بزرگان - شماره 26}


یک دسته ای بودند که می گفتند «هرحکومتی اگر در زمان غیبت محقق بشود، باطل است و بر خلاف اسلام!» آنها خیال کرده بودند که «هرحکومتی باشد» در صورتی که آن روایات می گوید اگر کسی «با عنوان مهدویت» عَلَمی بلند کند، باطل است.

اینها نمی فهمند و نمی دانند دارند چه می گویند؛ بهشون تزریق کرده اند که این حرفها را بزنند، این اشخاص غافل را بازی داده اند! نبودنِ حکومت، یعنی اینکه همه مردم به جان هم بریزند، بکُشند هم را، بزنند هم را، از بین ببرند! بر «خلاف آیات الهی» ست!

اگر یک سال، حکومت و نظام در یک مملکتی نباشد، آنقدر فساد می شود که آن طرفش پیدا نیست! حضرت بیاید چه کند؟ «هرحکومتی در زمان غیبت، باطل است» یعنی هرج و مرج! یعنی عالم به هم بخورد تا حضرت بیاید درستش کند!! ما باید درستش کنیم تا حضرت بیاید.

الان دیگر تکلیفی نداریم؟ دیگر بشر تکلیفی ندارد؟ یا تکلیفش این است که مردم را دعوت کند به فساد؟! پس باید بنشینیم دعا کنیم به امریکا و اَذنابشان! [بندگانشان..] این که کسی بگوید «آنها ما را به بازی بگیرند، هیچ کاری به کارشان نداشته باشیم؛ هرکاری خواستند انجام دهند» این باید خیلی آدم نفهمی باشد!

بله، ما نمی توانیم دنیا را از عدالت پر کنیم، چون نمی توانیم او باید بیاید، اما ما باید زمینه را فراهم کنیم. [این موافق قرآن است]

[صحیفه امام خمینی، ج۲۱، ص۱۳]




منبع : کانال مهدیاران (Mahdiaran@)

  • سه شنبه ۱۰ مهر ۹۷

Imam Mahdi in the Quran - The second series

The last successor in the Quran

“(And remember) when Abraham was tested by his lord with certain words and he fulfilled them…”

Mufaddal says that I asked Imam Sadiq (PBUH), “What does “words” mean in this verse?” the Imam said: “The same words which Adam learnt from his Lord and repented. When he said: “O Lord, for the sake of Muhammad, Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein, accept my repentance, and his repentance was accepted. He accepts repentance and He is merciful.” He again asked the Imam: “What does “َفأتَمَّهُن” mean? Imam said: “Allah completed them to 12 Imams, the last one of whom is # the Qa’im.

Al-Burhan Fi Tafsir al-Quran, vol. 1, p. 317

Kamāl al-Dīn, vol. 2, p. 358


The events near the Reappearance in the Quran

“Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of

your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere.” [The Quran - Surah 2 - Verse 155]

Imam Sadiq said: “Before the Reappearance of Qa’im, inevitably, there must be a year in which people

starve and there will be strong fear of being killed and loss of property and loss of life and products for them and this is very obvious in the book of Allah [and then he read the above verse]

Al-Burhan Fi Tafsir al-Quran, vol. 1, p.359

Al-Ghayba al-Nu'mani  p. 251


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نزدیکترین حالت مردم به خدا

{امام زمان از منظر روایات - شماره 22}


امام صادق علیه السلام فرمودند: نزدیک ترین و پسندیده ترین حالت بندگان به خدای تعالی آنگاه است که حجت خدا مفقود گردد و بر بندگان آشکار نباشد و مکانش را ندانند و در آن حال عالم باشند که حجتها و بیّنات الهی باطل نمی شود،در چنین زمانی صبح و شام منتظر فرج باشید،

و سخت ترین خشم خدای تعالی بر دشمنانش آنگاه است که حجت خدا مفقود گردد و بر بندگان آشکار نباشد، و خدای تعالی می داند که اولیایش شک نمی کنند و اگر می دانست که آنان شک می کنند حجتش را چشم برهم زدنی از آنها غایب نمی کرد و آن بر سر بدترین مردم واقع شود.

[کمال الدین؛ ج۲، ص ۱۱]




منبع : کانال مهدیاران (Mahdiaran@)

  • يكشنبه ۸ مهر ۹۷

The Merciful Government of Imam Mahdi - The second series

Messiah (Jesus) is the minister of Mahdi

The prophet of Islam (PBUH) said: “When Mahdi (A.J) sees Jesus, he will say to him “Come and lead people in the prayer”. Jesus (PBUH) says: “This grand prayer has been arranged for you to be performed and he stands behind Mahdi (A.J) and pledges allegiance to him.

Muntakhab al –Asar, page 316

And we also read in the book of “Malahem” by Ibn Tawus that Jesus says:

“I am selected as a minister not as a leader.”


The expansion of justice after the Reappearance

Among the features of Imam Mahdi’s government nothing is more obvious than justice. In different narrations and religious literature, no other feature has been emphasized and highlighted more than his expanding justice.

Imam Sadiq (PBUH) said: Surely and certainly his justice will enter their (people’s) homes as the heat and cold enter it.

Islam’s Prophet said: “Even if only one day remains of the world’s lifetime, Allah will make that day so long that a man from my family rise up and fill this world with justice and fairness as it has been filled with oppression.

Al-Ghayba al-Nu'mani p. 297, Al-Ghaiba-al-Tusi, Hadith: 139


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سید حسنی

{دیکشنری مهدوی - شماره 21}


س- سید حسنی
از نشانه های قیام حضرت مهدی، خروج سید حسنی است. درباره شخصیت وی در روایات سخنی به میان نیامده است. امام صادق درباره سرانجام او میفرماید: آن گاه که سید حسنی خروج کند، اهل مکه بر او هجوم آورده و به قتل می رسانند و سرش را بریده برای شامی میفرستند. در این هنگام صاحب الامر ظهور می کند... [کافی؛ ج۸؛ ص۲۲۴]

ش - شرایط ظهور
یعنی زمینه هایی که امکان تحقق ظهور امام زمان را فراهم می کند. شرایط ظهور با علائم ظهور فرق دارد. این شرایط بطور کامل برای ما روشن نیست اما با بهره گیری از روایات اهل بیت به نکات زیر می رسیم:
۱-وجود برنامه و طرحی متعالی که با ساختاری هدفمند سعادت را برای بشر به ارمغان بیاورد.

۲-وجود رهبری بزرگ از طرف خدا.

۳-وجود یاران پاکدل و فداکار که برای دفاع همه جانبه از امام معصوم آمادگی کامل دارند.




منبع : کانال مهدیاران (Mahdiaran@)

  • شنبه ۳۱ شهریور ۹۷
امام صادق (علیه السلام) :
هر کس خوشحال می شود و دوست دارد که در شمار یاران حضرت مهدی باشد، باید سه ویژگی داشته باشد: منتظر بودن، با وَرَع بودن، اخلاق بزرگوارانه داشتن.
(ورع یعنی دوری از گناه، تقوا داشتن و دوری از مکروهات و شُبَهات)
طبقه بندی موضوعات
آرشیو مطالب