M- The moving creature of the Earth
It refers to the emergence of the moving creature of the Earth. This event has been mentioned both in the Shia and Sunni narrations and it’s referred to as one of the signs of the Day of Judgment. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: “Inevitably, ten things will occur before the Day of Judgment: Sufyani, Antichrist, the moving creature and …” *1
What makes this event important to the Shia, are the narrations which refer to “the emergence of the moving creature of the Earth” as the return (Raja’at) of Imam Ali (PBUH). Imam Baqir (PBUH) said: “After describing himself, Imam Ali (PUBH) said: “... I am the moving creature who speaks to people...” ” *2 Among the Sunni Muslims, it has been extensively discussed what the essence of “the moving creature” is and how it emerges.
In conclusion, there are two different interpretations concerning this matter: 1- Some have considered it as an unusual inhuman living thing which looks strange. 2- Referring to numerous narrations, others consider it an extraordinary, moving, agile, active and powerful human.
(1- Al-Ghayba al-Tusi, p. 436; 2- Usul al-Kafi, v. 1, p. 198)
D- The Dajjal (antichrist)
It is of the signs of nearing the great doomsday at the Reappearance era. Dajjal means “gilt” in Arabic and for this reason, liar people who misrepresent the false as truth are called Dajjal. According to the narrations, he is a tyrant that will deviate people from the truth at the Apocalypse. There are mentions about him in the teachings of Christianity, Islam and Jewism. In the Shia narrations, this is known to be coincident with Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) Reappearance.
There are some possibilities regarding Dajjal:
1- It is not the name of a specific person and every person who plans to mislead people by deception and trick is Dajjal and in fact, it is a group of tricksters. Many of these Dajjals are mentioned in the narrations-about 12 to 70. *1 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “70 Dajjals would appear before the main Dajjal appears.” *2
2- Among these Dajjals, the one who is superior to the others in lying and deception and his devilry is the greatest, is the sign of Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) Reappearance. Or in other words, he is the main Dajjal.
One of the impressive and considerable points is that in the numerous Shia and Sunni narrations, most of the followers of Dajjal are Jews. And it is mentioned in the Sunni references that Dajjal will be killed by Prophet Jesus (PBUH).
(1- Bihar al-Anwar, v. 52; 2- Kanz al-Ummal, v. 14 )
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