۱۴۱ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «son of man» ثبت شده است

Introducing Mahdavi Books - The second series

The book of “Mahdism textbook”

The book of “Mahdism textbook”, by Khodamorad Soleimanian, is the study of Mahdism and the belief in the coming of the universal savior from the time of its formation to the beginning of the Imamate of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), and an analysis of his Occultation based on the Quran, the narrations, the prayers, the supplications, and his Twqi'es (epistle) that is written in Farsi by the order of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) Educational Organization in four volumes.

This book is usually taught in the complimentary Mahdism courses carried out by Imam Mahdi (PBUH) Educational Organization. It’s easy to understand and all the aspects of Mahdism subjects are stated as well.

Its main topics include the philosophy and reasons of the Occultation, the profits of the absent Imam, the Minor Occultation and the Special Deputies, being in relationship with Imam Mahdi (PBUH) during the Occultation, his residency place, his wife and children, deviance from Mahdism, awaiting in the view of Shia, the Major Occultation and the General Deputies, the duties of the awaiting people and Mahdism bibliography.


The book of “Hokumat e Jahani e Mahdi (The Global Government of Mahdi)”

This book is written by grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi. He has pointed to the questions raised in the field of government of Imam Mahdi (PBUH). Further he tries to give a proper answer to the questions far from any prejudice, bigotry and irrational prejudgments.

The author, has divided the contents into two sections; namely, the global governance of Imam Mahdi and the procedure of his victory. And within these two sections, he answers the doubts and questions, like: why the future of the world is bright? Why human is so hopeful to the future despite the miseries and many problems? And also in the final section of the book, he speaks about false pretenders of Mahdism.


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  • دوشنبه ۱۷ دی ۹۷

Mahdism Dictionary - The second series

M- The moving creature of the Earth

It refers to the emergence of the moving creature of the Earth. This event has been mentioned both in the Shia and Sunni narrations and it’s referred to as one of the signs of the Day of Judgment. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: “Inevitably, ten things will occur before the Day of Judgment: Sufyani, Antichrist, the moving creature and …” *1

What makes this event important to the Shia, are the narrations which refer to “the emergence of the moving creature of the Earth” as the return (Raja’at) of Imam Ali (PBUH). Imam Baqir (PBUH) said: “After describing himself, Imam Ali (PUBH) said: “... I am the moving creature who speaks to people...” ” *2 Among the Sunni Muslims, it has been extensively discussed what the essence of “the moving creature” is and how it emerges.

In conclusion, there are two different interpretations concerning this matter: 1- Some have considered it as an unusual inhuman living thing which looks strange. 2- Referring to numerous narrations, others consider it an extraordinary, moving, agile, active and powerful human.

(1- Al-Ghayba al-Tusi, p. 436; 2- Usul al-Kafi, v. 1, p. 198)


D- The Dajjal (antichrist)

It is of the signs of nearing the great doomsday at the Reappearance era. Dajjal means “gilt” in Arabic and for this reason, liar people who misrepresent the false as truth are called Dajjal. According to the narrations, he is a tyrant that will deviate people from the truth at the Apocalypse. There are mentions about him in the teachings of Christianity, Islam and Jewism. In the Shia narrations, this is known to be coincident with Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) Reappearance.

There are some possibilities regarding Dajjal:

1- It is not the name of a specific person and every person who plans to mislead people by deception and trick is Dajjal and in fact, it is a group of tricksters. Many of these Dajjals are mentioned in the narrations-about 12 to 70. *1 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “70 Dajjals would appear before the main Dajjal appears.” *2

2- Among these Dajjals, the one who is superior to the others in lying and deception and his devilry is the greatest, is the sign of Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) Reappearance. Or in other words, he is the main Dajjal.

One of the impressive and considerable points is that in the numerous Shia and Sunni narrations, most of the followers of Dajjal are Jews. And it is mentioned in the Sunni references that Dajjal will be killed by Prophet Jesus (PBUH).

(1- Bihar al-Anwar, v. 52; 2- Kanz al-Ummal, v. 14 )


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  • دوشنبه ۱۰ دی ۹۷

رجعت خوبان

{امام زمان از منظر روایات - شماره 24}


امام صادق فرمودند: خداوند پیامبری از زمان حضرت آدم تا آخر مبعوث نکرده است مگر اینکه (در ایام رجعت) زنده شده و به دنیا باز می گردد... [معجم احادیث الامام المهدی ج۷ ص۷۹]

ما هم میتوانیم جزء رجعت کنندگان باشیم:

امام صادق فرمودند: «هر کس دعای عهد را چهل صبح بخواند از یاران قائم ما خواهد بود؛ و اگر پیش از ظهور آن حضرت بمیرد خداوند او را از قبرش خارج خواهد ساخت؛ و نیز به هر کلمه ای هزار حسنه به او عطا می کند و هزار گناه را از نامه عملش محو می کند» [صحیفه مهدیه بخش۶ دعای۱]

نکته: با مطالعه ی جمیع آیات و روایات درمی یابیم که این سعادت در صورتی به خواننده اعطا می شود که نسبت به واجبات و ترک گناهان بی توجه نباشد.




منبع : کانال مهدیاران (Mahdiaran@)

  • يكشنبه ۹ دی ۹۷

چرا مادر امام زمان، نام های متعددی دارد؟

{شناخت شناسنامه ای امام زمان - شماره 28}


در کانون خانواده امام عسکری، آن بانوی گرامی را به نامهای مختلفی از قبیل «نرجس»، «سوسن»، «حدیثه»، «حکیمه»، «ملیکه» و «ریحانه» صدا میزدند.

از دیدگاه یکی از پژوهشگران، علت تعدّد نام های آن بانو، می تواند چند چیز باشد:

۱-علاقه و محبت فراوان مالک ایشان به وی، باعث شده بود که ایشان را با بهترین و زیباترین نامها صدا بزنند؛ که تمام نامهای آن بانو، اسامی گلها و شکوفه هاست.

۲-با توجه به فشارهای شدید دستگاه حکومتی، احتمال اسارت و احتمال زندانی شدن، لذا ایشان برای حفظ خود و فرزند گرامی اش، جهت رد گم کنی و سر در گمی ظالمان، باید نقشه هایی می اندیشید، بر این اساس هر روز نامی تازه برای خود می نهاد و اهل خانه او را به نام جدید صدا می زدند.

["درسنامه مهدویت" ج۱، ص۱۶۷]




منبع : کانال مهدیاران(Mahdiaran@)

  • چهارشنبه ۵ دی ۹۷

Mahdavi Questions and Answers - The second series

Does Imam Mahdi (PBUH) distribute the properties of the rich, despite their inner will, among the poor at the time of his Reappearance?

Answer: Imam Mahdi’s (God accelerate (the time of) his Reappearance) main goal is to administer justice and to eradicate oppression. Consequently, such a thing is an attribution of injustice to him and definitely, this is not true. Rather, he will return Haram (illegal) properties and things which have been taken unjustly from their owners to them.

Another point to make is that because of the intellectual and spiritual development, people will hasten to help the poor and needy ones. And even perhaps, one who owns several houses will willingly accommodate others in them, just like what happened when Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) arrived [in Medina] and Ansar (The Helpers) accommodated Muhajirin (The Emigrants) in their homes.


What does Imam Mahdi (PBUH) do during the Occultation?

Answer: During the Major Occultation, duties and responsibilities of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) are very critical and important. Although, he does not run a government, but he observes all incidents and acts upon them. His long life is being spent in the obedience to Allah.

In addition to his individual tasks and duties, based on many narrations he does whatever is best to do such as guiding people, helping believers to overcome the enemies, solving the problems and difficulties, healing the illnesses, guiding misled people, instructing prayers, providing pecuniary aid for the poors, helping people in problems and ... .

For example we can point the survival of Shia and its leadership organization and scientific and missionary institutions and activities of the religious seminaries and also the survival of the Islamic revolution in the today’s world when all the world has united against Shia, which were not succeeded and achieved but with the help of Imam Mahdi (PBUH). Just exactly the way Imam told Shaykh Mufid: “We always have you in mind.” (Kamal al-Din, v. 1)


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  • دوشنبه ۳ دی ۹۷

Rational reasons for Imamate and Mahdism - The second series

The principle of purposefulness for proving the existence of the Imam

Another logical reason to prove the existence of the Imam is the principle of purposefulness.

Human being is made up of body and spirit and just like his body, his spirit is developing. The requisite of development is the existence of a guide who can help him. Although wisdom is responsible for guiding the human, because of being bounded to the physical world and the existence of enemies like vain desires and animal tendencies, there should be another guide which assists it as well.

This guide is Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) during the era of prophecy. Certainly, there should be other guides after him as well, because the human race continues to live. If the divine path, plan and guide don’t exist, the creation of humans would be in vain. And the risk of distortion of the religion and the existence of hostile groups also emphasize this necessity.

(Kashf al-Murad by ‘Allama al-Hilli, p. 324; Masael-e Kolli-e Emamat (The General Issues of the Imamate), p. 111-136)


Inductive reasoning

The inductive method states that one can achieve general facts from individual and partial facts. In inductive reasoning, the pattern of thinking is from part to whole. In other words, by observing what is true for fixed part, we can deduce that it holds for the whole (that includes the part).

One of the reasons to prove the necessity and continuation of the existence of Imam, is inductive reasoning:

All prophets from Adam (PBUH) to Muhammad (PBUH), had special and appointed successors after themselves; so why should not the custom of the existence of a leader and a guide hold in the case of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who there is no prophet after him?!

(Ali bin Babawayh, Al-Imama wa al-Tabsera, ch. Al-Wasiyya min ladon Adam (PBUH), p. 21 and 23)


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  • دوشنبه ۲۶ آذر ۹۷

ضرورت وجود امام

{دلایل عقلی امامت و مهدویت - شماره 23}


(ادامه از شماره قبل) ...

همان‌طور که خداوند برای اتمام حجت بر خلایق، پیامبران را فرستاد و بشر را از وجود حجت الهی، بی‌ بهره نفرمود، اقتضای حکمت و مشیّت الهی اینست که پس از پیامبران نیز، هادیانی که همچون پیامبر حافظ دین و رهبر حقیقی مردم باشند، بفرستد؛ کسانی که همانند انبیاء‌، عالم و داناترین خلق در عصر خویش باشند؛

کسانی که در تمام عمر، هیچ گونه لغزش و گناهی نداشته، تا بتوانند الگو و حجت باشند، کسانی که دارای فضائل اخلاقی و صفات عالیه انسانی باشند، از قدرت، شجاعت، زهد و تقوای برخوردار بوده و از اوصاف و اخلاق ناپسند و زشت به دور باشند، به گونه‌ای که همچون پیامبر، بتوانند هدایت عمومی را عهده‌دار بوده و در قیامت نیز حجت بر اَعمال بندگان باشند.

چنین کسانی نیست، مگر وجود مقدس امامان معصوم، که میتوانند بشر را از حیرت و ضلالت و گمراهی نجات بخشند، هدایتگر به سعادت دنیا و آخرت و حجت الاهی بر بندگان باشند… بیان شد که شیعه در اثبات ضرورت وجود امام برای جامعه، از طریق براهین عقلی و هم از طریق دلایل معتبر شرعی قادر به اثبات ضرورت وجود امام است.




منبع : کانال مهدیاران (Mahdiaran@)

  • يكشنبه ۲۵ آذر ۹۷

ویژگی های امام زمان

{هزار و یک نکته پیرامون امام زمان - شماره 23}


کلیه مطالب زیر طبق روایات اهل بیت علیهم السلام می باشد:

* از خاندان و ذریه پیامبر

* هم نام و هم کنیه و شبیه پیامبر

* مادرش سیّده ی کنیزان

* عمرش بسیار طولانی

* گذشت روزگار پیرش نمیکند

* ولادتش پنهانی

* عدل و داد را در جهان می آورد

* شبیه برخی از انبیاء است

* پس از آزمایشات سخت مردم، می آید

* عیسی علیه السلام پشت سرش نماز میخواند

* قبل از ظهور، فسق و فجور میشود

* هنگام ظهور، منادی از آسمان ندا میدهد

* قبل از ظهور، نرخ ها بالا میرود

* قبل از ظهور، بیماری و جنگ زیاد میشود

* پیش از ظهور، نفس زکیه و یمانی کشته میشوند

* دجّال و سفیانی بدست او کشته میشوند

* پس از ظهور، فراوانی نعمت میشود

* سیصد و سیزده فرمانده دارد

* معجزات فراوانی دارند و بسیاری به دیدنش مشرّف میشوند.

[منتخب الاثر؛ ص ۱۵۸]




منبع : کانال مهدیاران (Mahdiaran@)

  • شنبه ۲۴ آذر ۹۷

1001facts about Imam Mahdi - The second series

The period of disappearance of Imam Mahdi (PBUH)

The life of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) can be divided into four periods: “the disappearance”, “the Minor Occultation”, “the Major Occultation” and “the period after the Reappearance”. The period of his disappearance started from his birth (255 A.H.) and lasted until the martyrdom of Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH) (260 A.H.).

Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH) was responsible for two important and sensitive duties: One was protecting his child from the harm of Abbasid Caliphs and the other was proving his existence and declaring his Imamate as the twelfth Imam. He fulfilled both of his responsibilities in the best way. However, due to severe security situation held by the Abbasids, only a few of Imam Hassan Askari’s (PBUH) helpers and sincere friends knew about the birth of Imam Mahdi (PBUH).

Mu’awiyah ibn Hakim, Mohammad ibn Uthman ‘Amari and Mohammad ibn Ayyub said: “We, forty of Shias, came to Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH). He showed us his child and said: “He is your Imam after me and my successor, obey him and do not go away from him that you be perished and your religion be ruined. Also, you should know that you won’t see him after this day.” ” (Kamal al-Din and Tamam al-Nimeh, p. 435)


The remarkable answer of the important center of Wahhabism

When a Sunni Muslim (from Kenya) asked about Imam Mahdi, the time and place of his Reappearance and other Mahdavi questions, “Muslim World League”, the religious center of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia answered as follow:

« “Mahdi, Muhamamd ibn Abdullah Hassani, is Alavi and Fatemi (from the descendants of Imam Ali (PBUH) and Lady Fatima (PBUH)) and he is the awaited promised Mahdi. His Reappearance is concurrent with Apocalypse... He will reappear from the west and people will gather in Holy Mecca, Hijaz, pledges allegiance to him between Rukn and Maqam...

Mahdi, is the last caliphate of 12 caliphates whom prophet has mentioned and this has been brought in Sunni  references. Hadiths concerning Imam Mahdi is narrated by many of companions of prophet; such as: Uthman ibn Affan, Ali ibn Abi-Talib, Talhah ibn Ubaydullah , Abd  ar-Rahman ibn Awf, Abd Allah ibn Abbas, Ammar Yasir, Abd Allah ibn Masoud, Abu Sa’id Khudri, Thawban and …

Some Islamic scholars have written special books about Mahdi, among them: Abu Nu’aym, Ibn Hajar, Shukani, Edris Iraqi... Some of these grand scholars have specified that the hadiths about Imam Mahdi are successive and cannot be denied...

It is only Ibn Khaldun who says Mahdavi hadiths are fabricated and have no basis...

 Therefore, believing in the Reappearance of Mahdi is obligated to all Muslims and the Sunni Sect believe in it, and nobody would deny it but unknowing ignorant people and heretics.”

(The quarterly of “Entezar Moud” (Expecting the Promised), no. 23 p. 142)


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  • دوشنبه ۱۹ آذر ۹۷

دوازده مهدی از ماست...



امام حسین (علیه السلام) :

دوازده مهدی از ما است که نخستین آنان علی بن ابیطالب و آخرین آنها نهمین فرزند من، که امام قائم به حق است...

[کمال الدین ج ۱ باب ۳۰]


**اَللّهُمَّ عَجِّل لِوَلیِّکَ الفَرَج**


منبع : کانال مهدیاران (Mahdiaran@)

  • جمعه ۱۶ آذر ۹۷
امام صادق (علیه السلام) :
هر کس خوشحال می شود و دوست دارد که در شمار یاران حضرت مهدی باشد، باید سه ویژگی داشته باشد: منتظر بودن، با وَرَع بودن، اخلاق بزرگوارانه داشتن.
(ورع یعنی دوری از گناه، تقوا داشتن و دوری از مکروهات و شُبَهات)
طبقه بندی موضوعات
آرشیو مطالب