۱۴۱ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «son of man» ثبت شده است

The words of scholars - The third series

Consider the Reappearance as near

Regarding Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and his Reappearance, one of the important duties which should be taken into account by noble companions and believers is considering the Reappearance as near.  In our narrations, under different titles, Ahl-al-Bayt have recommneded us to consider the Reappearance as near. It means that if a night passes, don’t say he won’t come till the next night, but he may come the next morning.

(Hojjat al-Islam Masoud Aali- The Reappearance Signs and the the Duties of the Awaiting People. “Samt-eh Khoda” Tv program)


At the Apocalypse, the main problem is the good people; not pagans

At the Apocalypse, the main problem is good people; not pagans and bad people. As an example, there is no narration saying: “The Reappearance is postponed because numerous sin centres are built!” Or another narration saying: “Pagans have many destructive atomic weapons, so Imam won’t reappear for the fear that they drop these bombs on Muslims.”

According to Imam Baqir (PBUH) some of scholars want to issue a death sentence for the Imam, but they can’t! (And if it weren’t for the sword in his hand, the scholars would have issued fatwas to kill him; Ayatollah Bahjat’s website, Note 2148 and Sharh Usul Al-Kafi/1/563)

This is all about “Good people should be pure and refined” The problem is that we are impurities, this should be fixed.

(Hujjat al-Islam Panahian- Ayatollah Haghshenas Hosseynieh 1395/07/15)


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  • يكشنبه ۲۸ بهمن ۹۷

Imam Mahdi in the Quran - The third series

The descriptions of the companions of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) in the Quran

O ye who believe! if any from among you turn back from his Faith, soon will Allah produce a people whom He will love as they will love Him,- lowly with the believers, mighty against the rejecters, fighting in the way of Allah, and never afraid of the reproaches of such as find fault. That is the grace of Allah, which He will bestow on whom He pleaseth. And Allah encompasseth all, and He knoweth all things. [The Quarn, Surah 5, verse 54]. (The same concept is availbale in Surah 6, verse 89)

It is narrated that the above verse is revealed about Imam Mahdi (PBUH)…

(Al-Burhan Fi Tafsir al-Quran, vol. 2, p. 315

Al-Ghayba al-Nu'mani, p. 316)


The Rising of Sufyani is inevitable

He it is created you from clay, and then decreed a stated term (for you). And there is in His presence another determined term; yet ye doubt within yourselves! [The Quran, Surah 6, Verse 2]

Imam Baqir (PBUH) said about this verse “There are two types of terms; inevitable and pending”, Humran ibn A'ayan said: “I hope that the term of Sufyani is of the pending ones. Imam said: “No, By Allah, it is of the inevitable ones.”

(Keyword of Mahdism verses, Rouzati, p. 125

Al-Ghayba al-Nu'mani, p.301)


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  • يكشنبه ۲۱ بهمن ۹۷

The Merciful Government of Imam Mahdi - The third series

People’s attaining the maximum human perfection

The Prophet of Islam said:

“By Imam Mahdi (PBUH), God will eliminate all the problems of the nations, fill people’s hearts with worshipping and obedience and his justice will rule everywhere. God will ruin lies and deception as well as the spirit of aggression and savagery, and also He will free them from slavery.”

(Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 51, p. 75)


A world filled with affluence, comfort and happiness

The Holy Prophet said: “Allah will water the earth with His merciful rain, the earth will bring forth its plants, cattle will increase, the Islamic ummah (nation) will become great and magnificent, the Islamic ummah will have such a wealth at his time that has never been seen before … at that time (even) the birds in their nests and the fishes in deep seas will be delighted and fountains will overflow and the ground will yield many times its crops.

(Montakhab Al- Athar, p. 473, Yanabi' Al-Mawaddah, vol. 3)


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  • يكشنبه ۱۴ بهمن ۹۷

حضرت عیسی در زمان ظهور



نقش حضرت عیسی (علیه السلام) در زمان ظهور حضرت مهدی (عجل الله فرجه) چیست؟

طبق روایات وارده پس از ظهور حضرت حجت حضرت عیسی به اذن خداوند به زمین نزول خواهد کرد و در حضور همگان به عنوان یکی از یاران حضرت قائم پشت سر او به نماز خواهد ایستاد. [1]

چنان که در روایتی از پیامبر اکرم (صلی الله علیه و آله) آمده است: "سوگند به آن کسی که مرا مژده آور راستین قرار داد، اگر از عمر جهان، جز یک روز نمانده باشد، خداوند همان یک روز را آن قدر طولانی می کند، تا فرزندم مهدی خروج کند. پس از خروج او، عیسای روح الله فرود می آید و در پشت سر وی نماز می گزارد، آن گاه زمین با فروغ پروردگار خویش روشن می شود و حکومت مهدی به شرق و غرب گیتی می رسد". [2]

از آن جا که در این دوران عده بسیار زیادی از مردم را پیروان حضرت عیسی تشکیل می دهند و ایشان، آن حضرت را به عنوان منجی و مصلح جهانی می دانند با دیدن این صحنه و به پیروی از پیامبر خود به حضرت مهدی علاقه مند شده و به حضرتش گرایش و ایمان می آورند و این مطلب، خود یکی از اسباب پیروزی آن حضرت، در این حرکت و قیام عظیم جهانی او است.

[1.مقدس شافعی، عقدالدرر، ص292 ؛ 2.شیخ صدوق، کمال الدین، ص 163]


**اَللّهُمَّ عَجِّل لِوَلیِّکَ الفَرَج**


منبع : گرافیک یاس (graphic.yas@)

  • جمعه ۱۲ بهمن ۹۷

Acquainting oneself with the Imam of each era - The third series

The Imams’ predictions of deviations in Mahdism

Regarding the importance of Mahdism, the infallible Imams knew that there would be some frauds who will have invalid claims. Thus, we have recieved hundreds of bright narrations from them as a valuable heritage; showing that he will come, a man from Prophet’s household, from Fatimah’s generation, from Hussain ibn Ali’s children… as an example:

Qatada ibn Said once asked: “Is Mahdi (PBUH) real?” another answered: “Yes, he is real”. I asked: “What family is he from?” he said: “From Quraysh.” I asked: “From which branch”; he said: “Bani Hashim.” I asked: “From which group”; he said: “From Abdulmutallab’s children”. I asked: “From which children of him?” he said: “From Fatimah’s.”

But there are some people who have complicated this subject in different ways; whether forging the narrations to deny the Mahdism doctrines or introducing him from the generation of Abbas, Prophet’s uncle, or considering him as a child of one man named Abdullah, or introducing him from the generation of Imam Hassan (PBUH)…

(Al- Fetan, Nu'aym ibn Hammad, vol. 1, Hadith 1082, Darsname Mahdaviat, vol. 1, lesson 8)


Prophet’s last words to Lady Fatimah…

Abu Saeed Khudri says: “When the messenger of Allah saw his daughter, Fatima, was uneasy in the last moments of his life, said: “… O Fatima! Six traits are given to no one but us, Ahl Al-Bayt:

Our prophet is the best of prophets and he is your father. Our successor is the best of successors and he is your husband. Our martyr is the best of martyrs and he is your father’s uncle, Hamza. Two grandchildren of this ummah (nation) are from us and these two are your sons. “Mahdi” –who Jesus will pray behind him- is from us.” Then he tapped on Hussain’s shoulders and said: “Mahdi, is from him.” The ninth descendant of Hussain…

(Kashf Al-Ghumma, vol. 1, p. 153

The Awaited Mahdi in the Islamic view, p. 137

Kamal Al-Din, Ch. 30, Hadith 3)


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  • يكشنبه ۷ بهمن ۹۷

میم مثل مادر...

{شناخت شناسنامه ای امام زمان - شماره 29}


اگرچه از سرگذشت مادر امام مهدی سخن صریح و روشنی در دست نیست اما طبق نظر مشهور (که از برخی روایات بدست میاد) ایشان کنیزی بود که در جنگی اسیر شد و در نهایت به خانواده گرامی امام عسکری پیوست. مثلاً یکی از روایت ها؛ حکایت از آن دارد که ایشان "<شاهزاده رومی>" بوده و بصورت اعجازگونه ای به منزل امام عسکری  راه یافته اند. شیخ صدوق در داستان مفصّلی، شرح این حکایت را ثبت نموده که بسیار خواندنی ست.

میتوانید جهت مطالعه، به کتابِ قدیمیِ «کمال الدین وتمام النعمه» جلد۲، باب۴۱ مراجعه بفرمایید. (متن فارسی آن، در کتاب فروشی ها یافت میشود)




منبع : کانال مهدیاران(Mahdiaran@)

  • پنجشنبه ۴ بهمن ۹۷

Mahdism miniSermons and heart to heart writings - The second series

The greatest punishment

Once, Allah intended to punish a nation. After a while, they observed no punishment given to them! And the situation is calm... The prophet of the nation asked Allah: “What is the truth?”

It was revealed: “Oh, My prophet! I didn’t know of a punishment as severe as taking the pleasure of praying to Myself out of the heart of the people.  And now, I have made them deal with this punishment and disaster.”

Oh, people! Nowadays, Allah’s greatest punishment and torture is the fact that the “memory of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) has no place in our hearts and people have forgotten their master...”

(Rouz-e Alam Souz (The World-burning Day), p. 284)


He will come…

He, who has a lot of patience, comes. In order to suppress the oppressors, he has Imam Ali’s sword in his hands. He brings the Holy Quran to guide people. He reappears like a shining star in the darkest night and like a high mountain in a scary forest. He comes with Prophet Muhammad’s Quran in his chest, with Imam Ali’s sword in his hands, with Lady Fatimah’s kindness, with Imam Hassan’s patience and Imam Hussein’s bravery.

He is endowed with the features of Prophets and Wilaya. He possesses the characteristics of all the Prophets. He will predominate Islam in the whole world by his Reappearance. His rise is like the Resurrection, eliminating all the sins. His name eliminates all the oppressions. He is ultimately the one who punishes the infidels and finally the efforts and the mission of the prophets will eventuate. All Muslims are waiting for him. Oh Sir! When will you come? Reappear, people laugh at our anticipation.


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  • دوشنبه ۱ بهمن ۹۷

صیحه آسمانی (2)

{دیکشنری مهدوی - شماره 24}


ص - صیحه آسمانی ۲/۳

برخی از آیات قرآن از جمله آیه ۲ سوره قمر، آیات ۸ تا ۱۰ سوره مدثر و ۴۱ و ۴۲ سوره ق و... به این ندای آسمانی خبر داده اند.

محتوای این ندای آسمانی در روایات بدین صورت آمده است:

۱- حجت خدا ظاهر شد.

۲- حق با اوست.

۳-حق با آل محمد است.

۴- حق با حضرت علی و شیعیان اوست.

۵- خدا او را برای نابودی ستمگران برانگیخته است.

۶- دیگر دوران ستمگری سپری شده.

۷- او امیر شماست و فرمان به دست اوست.

۸- از او اطاعت کنید.

۹- بسوی او در مکه بشتابید.

۱۰- یاران او، اولیای پروردگارند.

[کتاب در آستانه ظهور، ص۸۸]




منبع : کانال مهدیاران (Mahdiaran@)

  • شنبه ۲۹ دی ۹۷

آیا سرداب سامرا محل ظهور است؟

{پرسش و پاسخ مهدوی - شماره 24}


برخی از دشمنان تشیّع مدعی شده اند که شیعه اعتقاد دارد که امام در سرداب سامرا غائب شده و در آنجا زندگی میکند و از آنجا ظهور میکند. ابتدا شخصی بنام سمعانی این اتهام را زد و دیگران نیز از او نقل می کنند.

علامه امینی میفرمایند: شیعه قائل نیست که حضرت در سرداب غیبت نموده یا از آنجا ظهور می کند؛ بلکه قائل است آنحضرت از مکه و کنار خانه خدا ظهور می کند و سرداب محل ولادت حضرت بوده است. [تعلیقه بر برهان ص۱۰۲]

نتیجه اینکه علت قِداست سرداب سامرا تنها بخاطر محل ولادت حضرت و سکونت چند امام در آنجا بوده و سرداب هیچ ارتباطی با مساله غیبت، ظهور و سکونت ایشان در عصر غیبت ندارد.




منبع : کانال مهدیاران (Mahdiaran@)

  • پنجشنبه ۲۷ دی ۹۷

Mahdism examples - The second series

New technology…

Professor Gharaati says: “Some people ask: “What does Imam Mahdi (A.S) do with this modern technology?” [For example,] say what did Imam Khomeini do? All pilots who were trained in the USA during Shah’s rein came and accompanied Imam Khomeini with all their skills.”

After the Reappearance: 1- Some discoveries will be made with his commands. 2- Some inventors who will accompany Imam Mahdi (A.S) with their expertise or will use Imam Mahdi’s (A.S) expertise and knowledge. 3- People’s intellectual level will promote. 4- There will be hidden helps and …

"Tamthilat Mahdavi” p.100


Which one is more important?!?!

If a train wants to reach its destination, the existence of some items are essential  including wagons, rails, fuel, locomotives, train driver and lack of obstacles on the rails[such as rocks and other obstacles]. Some trains also use smoke and whistles that are the signs of getting closer to the destination.

Smoke and whistles are like “The signs” of the Reappearance, but the train’s “condition” of reaching to its destination is the existence of wagons, rails, fuel, locomotives and such things!

We have to know “The imminent signs of the Reappearance", but why have some of us just been looking for signs instead of making the “conditions of the Reappearance"[the existence of altruistic followers]? Does the train come up with making smoke and whistles?


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  • دوشنبه ۲۴ دی ۹۷
امام صادق (علیه السلام) :
هر کس خوشحال می شود و دوست دارد که در شمار یاران حضرت مهدی باشد، باید سه ویژگی داشته باشد: منتظر بودن، با وَرَع بودن، اخلاق بزرگوارانه داشتن.
(ورع یعنی دوری از گناه، تقوا داشتن و دوری از مکروهات و شُبَهات)
طبقه بندی موضوعات
آرشیو مطالب