۱۴۸ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «who is mahdi» ثبت شده است

حق امام زمان بر مردم

{اهمیت و چرایی دعا برای ظهور - شماره 22}


از حقوق امام زمان را با دلیل و برهان در باب سوم کتاب «مکیال المکارم» که از بین تمام حقوق، حقّ امام علیه السلام بر مردم از همه بزرگ تر و مهم تر است؛ چنان که در کتاب روضه کافى نیز از حضرت امیرالمؤمنین روایت شده که فرمودند:

«بزرگ ترین حقى که خداوند متعال آن را واجب فرموده است، حقّ ولى است؛ «یعنى حقّ امام بر مردم».

حال که چنین است پس باید بدانى که ما هر چقدر سعى کنیم، نمى توانیم حقّ آن حضرت را چنان که باید و شاید ادا کنیم؛ لکن باید از آنچه که مى توانیم، کوتاهى ننماییم؛ زیرا مطابق آیات و روایات، این مطلب از جمله امورى است که در روز قیامت از هر کسى پرسش و مؤاخذه خواهد شد. چنان که در تفسیر آیه شریفه: «ثُمَّ لَتُسْئَلُنَّ یَوْمَئِذٍ عَنِ النَّعِیمِ» و آیات دیگر، روایاتى وارد شده است.

[آثار و برکات دعا برای امام زمان، ص۱۱]

از کوتاهترین دعا برای بزرگترین آرزو غفلت نکنیم...




منبع : کانال مهدیاران (Mahdiaran@)

  • پنجشنبه ۱۹ مهر ۹۷

ویژگی شیعیان علی

{سبک زندگی مهدوی - شماره 22}


عصر کنونی، عصر ارتباطات و اطلاعات و سخنرانی و کنفرانس و پایان نامه و  بیان مطالب در قالب های گوناگون می باشد. گاهی اینقدر گرفتار نوشتار و گفتار می شویم که از رفتار و عمل باز می مانیم. و چه بسا اعمال مان خلاف گفتارمان باشد.

ولی مهم ترین ویژگی منتظران مهدی، اینست که رفتارشان، گفتارشان را تایید میکند.

در روایتی تکان دهنده از امام کاظم علیه السلام نقل شده که می فرمایند: «اگر شیعیانم را زیر و رو کنم، جز ادعا، چیز دیگری ندارند! و اگر آنان را آزمایش کنم سر از ارتداد (کُفر) در آورند! اگر ایشان را تصفیه نمایم از هزار نفر جز یک نفر خالص و بی غش نباشد! و اگر غربالشان کنم؛ با من جز خواص و نزدیکانم نمانند! فراوانند افرادی که بر پشتی ها تکیه می زنند و می گویند: “ما شیعه علی هستیم” شیعه علی کسی ست که کردار و رفتارش [بر شیعه بودن] گواهی بدهد»

[کافی؛ ج۸ ص۲۲۸]




منبع : کانال مهدیاران (Mahdiaran@)

  • سه شنبه ۱۷ مهر ۹۷

Imam Mahdi in the Narrations - The second series

The characteristics of Imam Mahdi (PBUH)

Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: “Mahdi, of my descendants, is forty years old (means that at the Reappearance time, he looks like a forty-year-old man). His face is shining like a bright star. There is a black mole on his right cheek. He wears two Qutwani cloaks and he looks like the men of the Children of Israel (at the time of Prophet Moses (PBUH)). He’ll bring out the treasures, conquer the countries of polytheistic and lead them.”

(Ithbat al-Hudat, 7/185)


Awaiting for the friends, awaiting for the revenge

‘Abd al-‘Azim Hasani says: “I told Imam Jawad (PBUH): “I hope you are the promised “Qaim” who is of the progeny of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and will fill the earth with justice and equity...” He answered:

« “O Abu al-Qasim, All of us Imams are Qaim by the command of Mighty Allah and guiders towards His religion. But the promised Qaim-through whom Allah would wipe the earth from unbelievers and fill it with justice- is the one whose birth will be concealed for people and he will be disappeared from their sight and pronouncing his name will be Haram (forbidden) for them. He has the same name and kunia as prophet Muhamamd (PBUH) and he is the person who the earth will fold up for him (Tayy al-Arz) and every hardships will become easy for him.

And of his companions, 313 persons equal to the number of the fighters of Badr, will gather around him from all over the world. And this is the word of the Great Allah that “Wheresoever ye are, Allah will bring you Together. For Allah Hath power over all things.” (The Holy Quran, 2:148) So when this number of sincere companions gather around him, Allah will reveal his order and when he has 10000 helpers, he will rise by the permission of Allah and kill the enemies of Allah until He is pleased.””

(Kam al-Din, ch. 36, Hadith 2)


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  • دوشنبه ۱۶ مهر ۹۷

Imam Mahdi in the Quran - The second series

The last successor in the Quran

“(And remember) when Abraham was tested by his lord with certain words and he fulfilled them…”

Mufaddal says that I asked Imam Sadiq (PBUH), “What does “words” mean in this verse?” the Imam said: “The same words which Adam learnt from his Lord and repented. When he said: “O Lord, for the sake of Muhammad, Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein, accept my repentance, and his repentance was accepted. He accepts repentance and He is merciful.” He again asked the Imam: “What does “َفأتَمَّهُن” mean? Imam said: “Allah completed them to 12 Imams, the last one of whom is # the Qa’im.

Al-Burhan Fi Tafsir al-Quran, vol. 1, p. 317

Kamāl al-Dīn, vol. 2, p. 358


The events near the Reappearance in the Quran

“Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of

your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere.” [The Quran - Surah 2 - Verse 155]

Imam Sadiq said: “Before the Reappearance of Qa’im, inevitably, there must be a year in which people

starve and there will be strong fear of being killed and loss of property and loss of life and products for them and this is very obvious in the book of Allah [and then he read the above verse]

Al-Burhan Fi Tafsir al-Quran, vol. 1, p.359

Al-Ghayba al-Nu'mani  p. 251


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  • دوشنبه ۹ مهر ۹۷

The Merciful Government of Imam Mahdi - The second series

Messiah (Jesus) is the minister of Mahdi

The prophet of Islam (PBUH) said: “When Mahdi (A.J) sees Jesus, he will say to him “Come and lead people in the prayer”. Jesus (PBUH) says: “This grand prayer has been arranged for you to be performed and he stands behind Mahdi (A.J) and pledges allegiance to him.

Muntakhab al –Asar, page 316

And we also read in the book of “Malahem” by Ibn Tawus that Jesus says:

“I am selected as a minister not as a leader.”


The expansion of justice after the Reappearance

Among the features of Imam Mahdi’s government nothing is more obvious than justice. In different narrations and religious literature, no other feature has been emphasized and highlighted more than his expanding justice.

Imam Sadiq (PBUH) said: Surely and certainly his justice will enter their (people’s) homes as the heat and cold enter it.

Islam’s Prophet said: “Even if only one day remains of the world’s lifetime, Allah will make that day so long that a man from my family rise up and fill this world with justice and fairness as it has been filled with oppression.

Al-Ghayba al-Nu'mani p. 297, Al-Ghaiba-al-Tusi, Hadith: 139


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  • دوشنبه ۲ مهر ۹۷

From Ashura to the Reappearance - The second series

What kind of person is he for whom the lives would sacrifice...

When Prophet Abraham (PBUH) passed the test of sacrificing his child and God sent him a lamb to be slaughtered in place of Ishmael (PBUH), he asked Allah: “O God! What did I neglect carrying out this test that I didn’t succeed to sacrifice my child to endure the greatest of the tragedies?” Allah answered him: “Oh, Abraham! Do you like yourself more or the last prophet?” He answered: “I like him more.” Allah said: “Do you like your own child more or the child of the last prophet?” Abraham said: “I like the child of the last prophet who is the master of all the martyrs more than my own child, Ishmael.”

Then Allah said: “Oh, Abraham! Neither are you capable of enduring the greatest of the tragedies, nor is the sacrifice of Ishmael the greatest of the tragedies. Rather, one who can endure the greatest of the tragedies is Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and the greatest of the tragedies is the tragedy of the master of all the martyrs (Imam Hussein (PBUH))!”


Yes! The angels are developing with the tragedy of Imam Hussein (PBUH) and they’re waiting… On the day of Ashura, thousands of angels descended to the earth to assist the Imam. But, they arrived while Imam Hussein (PBUH) was on the ground (he was martyred) and his family were taken captives! Therefore, dusty and in mourning, they stopped at his grave so that they can assist the avenger of the Imam after the Reappearance…


Readiness and awaiting...

Special companions of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will gather in Mecca as soon as they hear the sign of his Reappearance because of their readiness. They are ready to join and help their Imam regardless of what is going on in their lives.

May he always be brought happily to mind..., I am talking about Muslim ibn Awsaja; he was heading to the bath when he encountered Habib ibn Madhahir. While he became aware of his Imam, he did not even get back to home and they both went to Karbala.

In the way towards Imam, we should sacrifice all we have...


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  • دوشنبه ۲۶ شهریور ۹۷

جلب رضایت مردم

{پیام های امام زمان به دولتمردان - شماره 9}


کسانی که به حکومت یا پست و مقامی رسیدند باید در حدّ امکان رضایت ارباب رجوع و مردم را بدست آورند و آنان را خوشحال سازند. جا دارد تاملی در حکومت داری امام عصر داشته باشیم:

۱- در ایام خلافتش (امام زمان) اهل زمین و آسمان و پرندگان هوا راضی خواهند شد. [کشف الغمه ج۳ ص۲۶۹]

۲- اهالی آسمان و زمین او را دوست دارند... و زنده ها آرزو میکنند کاش مردگانشان زنده بودند تا عدالت و آرامش را به چشم خود می دیدند. [کشف الغمه ج۲ ص۴۶۹]

البته این موارد و این مصادیقی که در این پیام و سایر پیامها آورده میشود، قطعا توسط شخص دیگری جز امام معصوم مانند امام زمان نمیتواند به ارمغان بیاورد ولی باید دید کدام یک از مسئولین چنین دغدغه هایی دارند و به سوی آن دولت کریمه در حرکتند و او را کمک کنیم...




منبع : کانال مهدیاران (Mahdiaran@)

  • چهارشنبه ۲۱ شهریور ۹۷

Acquainting oneself with the Imam of each era - The second series

The protection provided by twelve Caliphs

Shiites – and also Sunnis – believe that the prophet has ensured the survival and dignity of Islam until 

the Judgment Day through the protection provided by twelve Caliphs. Sunnis have been incapable of introducing these twelve Caliphs; however, for Shiites, these twelve divine Caliphs are identified. Through studying the history of their lives, it is revealed that unfortunately, "oppressive regimes’ pressure" caused "the birth of the last divine caliph" to happen in secret, like that of Abraham and Moses.  

This form of birth, created doubts; therefore, most of the Sunnis deny his birth. Shia scholars, so far, have written numerous books to prove his birth.


Hadith al-Thaqalayn and the existence of Imam Mahdi

The text of the Hadith: “O people, I am a human being [like others]. I am about to leave you (and go with the Angel of death) …. I am leaving among you two weighty things: these two are “the Book of God “and “My kindred (Itrah): my Ahl al-Bayt”. Indeed, the two will never separate from each other until they come back to me by the Pond (of al-¬Kawthar).Do not overtake them because this transgression will destroy you"

The points of the Hadith al-Thaqalayn:

1-  The Prophet has left “Two successors” after himself to guide the nation.

2-  Both successors will remain until the Doomsday and they will never separate.

3-  Hold fast to them (obey them) to be safe from misguidance.

This hadith has been much repeated in Shiite books and also has written down in Sunni sources including: Sahih Muslim, Sunan Tirmidhi and Sonan al-Darami

Milad , A collection of Articles on the birth of Imam Mahdi, p. 16


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  • دوشنبه ۱۹ شهریور ۹۷

Mahdism miniSermons and heart to heart writings - First series

We have lost the aim of life…

In this series, brief and heart to heart writings are going to be used. You can send us your brief and moving heart to heart writings to be used…

 “In my opinion, to live as getting up in the morning, doing some repetitious actions, sleeping at night and continuing this way is the same as animals’ lives, we should ponder how effective we are in this world. Some of us come to that we should serve Allah: “I have only created Jinns and men, that they may serve Me.”

Those who come this far, have passed this animal stage and are humans but unfortunately most of people stay here. We should go further. Serving without knowing Imam Mahdi (PBUH) is worthless, that is why one of the duties of the awaiting people is to know Imam Mahdi (PBUH).”  

(Professor Raefipoor, Hashtgerd, 26 May 2017)


The barriers of the Occultation

My master, we call you in our meetings and on our streets to return! But we are unaware that you’re not the one who should return! It’s us who should return to ourselves!

O dear master, we want you to hear us and take a short glance at us! But we have forgotten that you are an observer of our activities and twice a week you become aware of what we do.

We implore you to tell us about your location so we promptly sacrifice ourselves at your feet! But I don’t know why we can’t sacrifice our wishes for your Reappearance! Aren’t you our beloved and don’t we constantly ask for your Reappearance? Then why what you want is grave, hard and impossible for us?

All of us are after those who have visited you, but we have forgotten that you may pass us every moment. O Imam Mahdi, all of us wish we could see you and say hello to you. But we have forgotten that anywhere we say hello to you, you will answer us.

We even forget to say hello to each other in alleys and streets! Maybe the one we passed by slowly… O Flower of Narcissus … I don’t know what happened. We have missed this much the scent of daffodil (you). You pray. Perhaps we return because of the sake of your prayers. I wanted to talk about the barriers! But the barriers of the Occultation took away other barriers from my mind…


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  • سه شنبه ۱۶ مرداد ۹۷

فرزندنت را در چاه بیانداز

{حکایات و تشرّفات - شماره 21}

روزی امام مهدی عجل الله تعالی فرجه، در دامان مادرشان نرجس خاتون بود، ناگاه حس کردند که الان زن های قابله از طرف دشمن وارد خانه میشوند و طفل را شهید میکنند. آن بانو بعلت اضطراب، آنحضرت را در میان چاه آبی که در صحن خانه بود انداخت. زنان قابله وارد خانه شدند و پس از تفتیش و تفحص، چیزی نیافتند و رفتند. پس از آن، نرجس خاتون سر چاه آمدند و دیدند آب به قدرت خدا تا لب چاه بالا آمده و میوه قلبش روی آب صحیح و سالم مثل ماه شب چهارده است و حتی قنداقه هم تَر نشده است. ناگاه صدای هاتفی را شنید که ای نرجس این فرزند را چهل روز در چاه بیانداز که آنجا باشد و هرگاه بخواهی او را شیر دهی، ما او را به تو میرسانیم. و او نیز چهل روز این عمل را انجام داد.

[کتاب الزام الناصب]




منبع : کانال مهدیاران (Mahdiaran@)

  • يكشنبه ۱۴ مرداد ۹۷
امام صادق (علیه السلام) :
هر کس خوشحال می شود و دوست دارد که در شمار یاران حضرت مهدی باشد، باید سه ویژگی داشته باشد: منتظر بودن، با وَرَع بودن، اخلاق بزرگوارانه داشتن.
(ورع یعنی دوری از گناه، تقوا داشتن و دوری از مکروهات و شُبَهات)
طبقه بندی موضوعات
آرشیو مطالب