The greatest punishment

Once, Allah intended to punish a nation. After a while, they observed no punishment given to them! And the situation is calm... The prophet of the nation asked Allah: “What is the truth?”

It was revealed: “Oh, My prophet! I didn’t know of a punishment as severe as taking the pleasure of praying to Myself out of the heart of the people.  And now, I have made them deal with this punishment and disaster.”

Oh, people! Nowadays, Allah’s greatest punishment and torture is the fact that the “memory of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) has no place in our hearts and people have forgotten their master...”

(Rouz-e Alam Souz (The World-burning Day), p. 284)


He will come…

He, who has a lot of patience, comes. In order to suppress the oppressors, he has Imam Ali’s sword in his hands. He brings the Holy Quran to guide people. He reappears like a shining star in the darkest night and like a high mountain in a scary forest. He comes with Prophet Muhammad’s Quran in his chest, with Imam Ali’s sword in his hands, with Lady Fatimah’s kindness, with Imam Hassan’s patience and Imam Hussein’s bravery.

He is endowed with the features of Prophets and Wilaya. He possesses the characteristics of all the Prophets. He will predominate Islam in the whole world by his Reappearance. His rise is like the Resurrection, eliminating all the sins. His name eliminates all the oppressions. He is ultimately the one who punishes the infidels and finally the efforts and the mission of the prophets will eventuate. All Muslims are waiting for him. Oh Sir! When will you come? Reappear, people laugh at our anticipation.


Read the rest 


I wish the whole world knew…

O the proof of the Lord and O the commander of the ages

O the promised of the prophets and the savior of humans

O the Store of Allah on the Earth

I wish the whole world knew that such a bliss will be brought to them by your Reappearance that no eye has ever seen and no ear has ever heard...

I wish the Christians of the world knew that Christ himself is a fond of you and counts the moments for your Reappearance so that he descends from the heavens; He stands behind you in prayer and summons his followers to obey you, that if Jesus resurrected a dead one because of necessity and as final notice; you, O the leader of Christ, will resurrect the Earth and time, human and the world and Islam and the Quran…

 “Peace be upon you, O’ Imam of Christ”

(Reconciliation with Imam Mahdi (PBUH), p. 5)


Not every Joseph is Lady Fatimah’s Joseph

I wish Zoroaster’s followers would realize that “Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds” will only and only be practicable in the golden

era of your Reappearance. You are called “Lady Fatimah’s Joseph” and analogized to Joseph. However:

Above  the throne of Joseph is written

Not every Joseph is Lady Fatimah’s Joseph

Every time you are called by this title, uncontrollably I remember a verse of Quran; when Joseph’s sinful brothers came to visit him, Joseph addressed them with such expression: “Have you realized what you did to Joseph and his brother?”

Do you know what you have done to Joseph and his brother? Immediately a hunchbacked lady is pictured in front of me who addresses me and each and every Shia and person of the world that “Have you realized what you did to Joseph and his brother?” Do you realize what you have done to my Joseph? Do you have any idea what has happened to my Mahdi in this 1171 years that has passed from the beginning of his Occultation? Are you aware of his tears in loneliness? What do you know about his sorrows and his broken heart? What have you done to liberate him from the prison of Occultation? Why don’t you pray for him to be released from loneliness, occultation and oppression? Know this:

There was no broken heart like mine in that time

My son’s heart is more broken now

(Selected from the book “Reconciliation with Imam Mahdi (PBUH)”)


Upbringing of generation; Mothers are key to the way of the Reappearance

Mr. Raefipour (The university lecturer) For years, I was thinking on “What is the most important precondition of the Reappearance?” And today, after a lot of research, I say Upbringing_of_generation and Formation_of_cadre .

Imam Ali stayed home for 25 years because he did not have any soldiers. The only one who rose to defend her Imam of the time and the sanctum of Velayat (Islamic governance of Ahl Al-Bayt) was Lady Fatimah (S.A). There was no other defense! Because, there was no generation which was nurtured properly.

In the event of Ashura, lack of loyal and faithful companions makes the Imam’s family and their best companions come to the battlefield themselves to protect the sanctum of Velayat and all were slaughtered with extreme cruelty.  In your opinion, the 300 to 400 thousand Iranian martyrs who rose to defend the Shiism during the 8 years of holy defense (Iran-Iraq war) was the outcome of how many years of organizational formation and upbringing of generations? At least 1000 years!

No doubts that women are responsible for Upbringing of generation and the mothers are the key to the way of reappearance. Alas! Our women are not aware how much they are important by nature and how much their existence is noble and valued.


Source: Mahdiaran Channel (@Mahdiaran);