An enthusiastic letter from father

The confirmation of the news of Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) birth

Ahmad bin Ishaq Qummi says: “When the pious successor (Imam Mahdi (PBUH)) was born, a letter came to my grandfather from my master, Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH) written “in his own handwriting” saying:

“A son has been born to us and this news should be kept to you and hidden from people; because we do not unveil this news to anyone except our “relatives” and “close associates”. We wanted to tell you this news so Allah makes you happy as He made us happy, and no more.””

(Kamal al-Din and Tamam al-Nimeh, ch. 42, Hadith 15)


Offering Aqiqa for Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) birth

One of the recommended traditions in the religion is to offer the infant’s Aqiqa (to sacrifice a sheep) that affects the baby’s health and blessing of his life. And by offering Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) Aqiqa, Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH) informed many of Shias about his birth, meanwhile, performing this religious tradition.

When “Imam Mahdi (PBUH)” was born, Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH) told to Uthman ibn Saeed (the first Deputy): “Buy 10,000 rotl of bread (a unit of weight of the order of the pound) and 10,000 rotl of meat and distribute them (probably to Bani Hashim) and offer his Aqiqa of many sheeps.”

He had at least two important purposes: 1- The baby’s health. 2- Introducing the successor and “announcing the news of the Savior’s birth” to public specially oppressed people.

Fars report; Professor Yousefian

Kamal al-Din and Tamam al-Nimeh, ch. 41, Hadith 10


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M (u) H (a) M (ma) D

Is it ok to mention Imam Mahdi’s name in his particular name? There are four types of narrations on this: 1-It’s not allowed at all. 2-It is not allowed till the Reappearance. 3-It’s allowed if it is not a cause for loss or harm. 4-It’s allowed.

There are narrations that explicitly mention his particular name; as an example: Imam Sadiq (PBUH) says: “The pious successor of my children is Mahdi. His name is “Muhammad” and his nickname is “Abu al-Qasim”...” 

Kashf Al-Ghumma, vol. 2, Kamal al-Din.

Sometimes even Shia scholars have mentioned his name in their books: Scholars like Sheikh al-Mufid, Seyyed Morteza, Sheikh al-Tusi, Sheikh al-Saduq, Allameh Helli, Muhaqqeq Karaki, Erbeli, Allameh Majlisi, Shahid Awwal, Qadhi Nu'man…

The result: The only way to unify all narrations is to say it is allowed to mention Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) particular name during the Major Occultation if it is not a cause for loss or harm. As the saying goes: “There is a time and a place for everything.”

References in “Mahdism Textbook”, vol. 1, pp. 202-215


Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) visage

During his childhood: He had a beautiful and fair complexion, a shining forehead, a mole on the right cheek, a green –not black– line of hair from the chest to the navel… the hair of his head parted from the middle…

During the Occultation: tawny face, beautiful neck, not too tall and not too short, broad forehead, broad shoulders, thin and long nose, a beautiful mole on his right cheek…

At the time of the Reappearance: exceptional strong body, he is at the age of elders but has a youth visage (about forty-year old), fair-reddish skin, two moles on his back, one of the color of his skin, broad shoulders, broad forehead, his nose is high, he has wide thighs, a mole on his right tight, big round black hollow eyes, thick and high eyebrows, his front teeth are spaced and his hair is curly…

References in “Mahdism Textbook”, vol. 1, lesson 14

Nameha wa farmayeshat (Letters and orders), Akbarnezhad, p. 33 


Did you know which one of Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) title has been used more frequently??

Referring to narrations, no title has been used as much as “Qa’im”… “Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) rise” is the most brilliant part of his life.

The most important reason for attributing this title to him is that he will lead the greatest rise of the history against the political situation and social and religious diversions.

Now, is religion separated from politics?!

Al-Irshad, Mufid, p. 704, Hadith 2; Mahdism Textbook, vol. 1, p. 230


We should know our Imam this way…

Abu Nasr says: “I came to the Master of the time (PBUH) and I brought him a red sandalwood [a kind of aromatic wood] as he told me. He asked: “Do you know me?” I said: “You are my master and the son of my master.” He said: “I didn’t mean that.”

I said: “May I be sacrificed on you, what did you mean?” He said: “I am the seal of the successors that Allah will ward off calamities from my family and my Shias through me.””

One of Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) title is the seal of the successors; it means “the finisher of the successors of the last prophet”, a title he mentioned himself when he was a child.

Kamal al-Din and Tamam al-Nimeh, vol. 2, p. 441, Hadith 12


The reason for the multiplicity of Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) titles

It seems that the multiplicity of Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) titles is another reason for the security and dangerous situation of that era

The “landlord” means the “owner of his paternal and ancestral home” wherein he disappeared. Ishaq ibn Yaqub says: “A note (and a text) in my master’s handwriting, “the landlord” was issued…”

Nowadays, some people have only one nickname. Why was Imam Mahdi (PBUH) addressed by several titles? It doesn’t seem that all titles are just to introduce his characteristics. Titles like: the landlord, the master of the time, the creditor , the young boy ,  the victorious, the owner of the sword,  the unique, Qa'im, the master of the  affair,  the fugitive, the distressed, Mahdi (the one who guides) and…

Mahdism textbook, v.1, lesson13


Before the coming of the “Proof”, God issues ultimatum!

Imam Musa al-Kadhim (PBUH) said: “God has set two “proofs” for people; one is apparent and that is prophets and religious leaders and the other is internal and that is wisdom.”

Pay attention to the 165th verse of the Surah An-Nisa: “That mankind, after (the coming) of the messengers, should have no “plea” against Allah: For Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.”

Have you ever thought why one of Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) titles is the “Proof”?! And why he’s known as “Hujjat (proof)” ibn al-Hassan al-Askari?!

Usul al-Kafi, v. 1, p. 15

Bihar al-Anwar, v. 25, Hadith 6, v. 97, p. 343


The impressing quotes from Imam Baqir (PBUH) about knowing Imam Mahdi (PBUH)

Hakam ibn Abi Nae’im says: “In the city of Medina, I went to see Imam Baqir (PBUH) and I said: “I have made a vow between Rukn (one of the corners of the Kabaa) and Maqam (where prophet Abraham had prayed) not to leave Medina until I realize whether you are Qa’im (PBUH) or not.” Imam Baqir (PBUH) did not respond; 30 days passed… Once again, on a road, I saw him and he told me: “O Hakam!, Are you still here?” And I said: “yes, I told you about my vow and you did not respond.” He told: “Come to my house early tomorrow morning.”

Next morning I went to see him and he said: “Ask your question.” I told: “I have made a vow not to leave Medina until I know if you are Qa’im (PBUH) or not. If you are I want to serve you, otherwise, I want to go in the land and make my life.” He replied: “O Hakam! We are all Qa’im (upholder) for the commands of Allah.” I asked: “Are you Mahdi?” He replied: “We are all Mahdi (we all guide to Allah).” I asked: “Are you the owner of the sword?” And he replied: “We are all the owners of the sword (of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)).” I asked: “Are you the person who will kill the enemies of Allah and will bring honor and respect to the friends of Allah?”

He replied: “O Hakam! How could I be him! While I have already become 45; the “master of this affair would be much younger than me and much lighter for saddle horse than me.” 

Usul al-Kafi, v. 1, p. 536, Hadith 1


The last word, the scale to identify a pagan

Imam Musa Kadhim (PBUH) says: “Anyone who doubts about four things, has denied everything Allah has sent down; one of them is acquainting oneself with the Imam of each era and recognizing the Imam himself and the attributes that he possesses.”

Bihar al-Anwar; v.69; p.135

From what has been said regarding the requirement of recognizing the Imam of the era so far, we come to the conclusion that the matter of recognition is the first and the most important step in working in the Mahdism context. Because recognition is the introduction and the driving motor of action. Then we should:

We should recognize Imam Mahdi (PBUH) (through studying) and try to make him known among the people of the world.

A reminder: It’s impossible that a truth-seeking person knows Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and the issues regarding his Occultation and Reappearance thoroughly and be indifferent towards him and his Reappearance.


Source: Mahdiaran Channel (@Mahdiaran);